Injury Matters were proud to host the Know Injury Summit following the 2021 Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion Awards on the 25th March 2021. This event brought together injury prevention and safety promotion practitioners, policymakers, and Local Governments from across WA.
The Summit showcased keynote speakers including Professor Caroline Finch AO, Dr Delia Hendrie, and Royal Life Saving WA’s Keep Watch Ambassador, Simone Soto Flores
Attendees were also able to connect with key injury prevention practitioners in breakout sessions, including Associate Professor Roz Walker (UWA), Professor Pat Dudgeon (UWA), Jo Drayton (Holyoake), and Deborah Pyatt (Metropolitan Migrant Resource Centre).
A dynamic panel discussion was also held featuring Dr Delia Hendrie, Injury Matters’ own Rachel Meade, Scott Phillips of Kidsafe WA, and Russ Milner from the Department of Health WA.
Thank you to all attendees. We sincerely hope learnings from the Summit will enable you to further build on your skills as an injury prevention and recovery support advocate in your everyday work.