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Sector News | November 2023

16 Days in WA Campaign

The annual 16 Days in WA campaign will run from 25 November to 10 December 2023. For 16 days, the community is invited to take part in encouraging change to stop violence against women. 

To find out more and to access resources to help you plan your 16 Days in WA activities or events visit the website today.

WA Health Excellence Awards: Finalists Announced

The WA Health Excellence Awards will see 40 finalists vying for 10 titles across the State’s health system, including Injury Matters’ Stay On Your Feet® falls prevention program.

Finalists are competing for excellence across nine categories – preventive health, mental health, person-centred care, Aboriginal health, rural and remote health care, research and innovation, workplace wellbeing and culture, sustainability, and safety and quality.

Child Safe Organisations e-Learning Modules

As part of the Child Safe Organisations project, the Australian Government commissioned the Australian Human Rights Commission to develop practical tools and resources to help organisations implement the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations.

Six Supportive Steps Campaign

The Six Supportive Steps Campaign is launching on the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims on Sunday 19th November and will run through until the end of December, with each week focusing on one of six supportive steps.

The campaign aims to help people impacted by road trauma who are grieving the loss of a loved one support themselves or others in the lead up to the holiday season.

National Work Health and Safety Statistics

Findings from the latest ‘Key Work Health and Safety Statistics 2023’ show that body stressing, falls and being hit by moving objects are the cause of most work-related injuries in Australia.

Access the latest publication to learn more about work-related injuries including the rising rate of work-related mental health conditions.

Injury Healthcare Expenditure in WA

A new Department of Health WA publication provides insight into the financial impact of injuries and diseases on the health system. Data indicates that in 2018-19 injury experienced the fourth-highest expenditure in WA, accounting for 8.7% of expenditure and $379 per capita).

This incidence did vary across WA with injury being the leading cause of expenditure in the Kimberley ($881 per capita) and the second leading cause in the Goldfields ($424 per capita) and Pilbara ($417 per capita).

Mental Health Commission Consultation Webinar

WALGA is co-hosting a consultation webinar on 8 November 2023, 12.30 – 2pm to identify Local Government needs where supporting positive mental health and wellbeing.

This webinar will help inform the development of a mental health and wellbeing support resource to assist with Public Health Planning.

Recognising Community Truth-telling: An exploration of local truth-telling in Australia

The Recognising community truth-telling: An exploration of local truth-telling in Australia report is a unique collaborative study between Reconciliation Australia and Deakin University’s Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation.

This report highlights the many different ways community truth-telling can be realised, and how these efforts contribute to reconciliation.

The Mo is Calling

Movember is the time to unite. Get involved and Grow a Mo, Move for Mental Health or host a Mo-Ment event to raise awareness and make a difference in mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer.

Cancer Council Safe Work Month Survey

You can help Cancer Council WA keep workers safe at work during Safe Work Month 2023 by completing this 10-minute anonymous survey about workplace exposure to diesel exhaust, UV radiation, and second-hand tobacco smoke and e-cigarette aerosols.

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Please be advised that our website or resources may contain images, videos, or voices of people who have since passed away.

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