Your truck needs a rest and some care after a long day on the road. It doesn’t matter whether you work long haul, line haul, drive in drive out, hot shot, or pickup and delivery. You get back to the depot and make sure your truck is ready for the next run.
The same thing goes for your body. You fuel your body with good nutritious food to allow you to be refreshed for your next journey. Hang on, what about your mental health? Have you thought about what you can do to refresh your mind between drives?

We all hear that at least 30 minutes of exercise daily is good for your general health and wellbeing. Did you know that it’s also good for your mental wellbeing in the long term?
Being on the road does have its challenges, however, getting out of your truck and getting the heart pumping during your breaks keeps you alert at the wheel and helps maintain physical and mental health in the long term.
Whether it’s pulling some stretches, jogging on the spot or doing some jumping jacks while you’re checking your load or stepping out of the cab, anything to get your blood moving and heart pumping. There are some simple isometric exercises you can do to stretch your shoulders, neck, and back in the cab – just make sure to keep your eyes on the road and hands on the wheel.
Try to find an activity you actually enjoy. If you hate running, don’t force yourself to run – it is not something you will stick to. Maybe you’re happier lifting some weights while listening to your favourite music, cycling while catching up on TV at the end of the day, or getting outdoors for a hike with a friend on the weekend.
Remember, this is something for you.

Pressures can build in your head, especially being on the road by yourself travelling long distances. This can be a distraction from what’s happening on the road in front of you.
Talking about what you’re going through can help release the pressure. Speaking to someone who you trust, who won’t judge you or make you feel irrational is a healthy way to help your mental health while keeping you safe at work.
Check out our Service Your Mind information sheet to find out how you can talk to a mate about what you’re facing.

Making time to relax, be creative, or take a break can relieve your mind from focusing on your pressures. Just taking a day to attend regular health checks, reading a book, going for a hike, fishing, cooking or a hobby, can help you relax and enjoy yourself.
Regular self-care goes a long way in maintaining good mental health. Taking time for a break and to check in on yourself will keep you going and help you to stay safe when you’re on the road.
Check out more about Your MaP to Mental Health: Service Your Mind through our Injury Matters resources, for more information and support.
Check out our handy range of nutrition, social and health support listings through the Injury Matters eDirectory.