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Story prominence

Adequate length and placement of the road traffic report is important. Short duration or inferior placement can appear as an afterthought, which undermines the severity of the issue and inadvertently
minimises the grieving of family and friends.

Road traffic incidents are commonly reported in conjunction with other stories. When sharing a page of the newspaper or as part of a broader news broadcast ensure the road traffic report is not juxtapositioned with stories or advertisements that conflict or diminish the report.

For example, an ethically written story about someone killed in a crash positioned above an unrelated article from someone in authority talking about drivers not taking responsibility for their actions. Effectively, it appears that the individual is speaking negatively about drivers involved in the incident reported above.

Reporting Road Traffic Incidents: A resource for the media and road safety sector.

We strive to be culturally sensitive as we represent the Western Australian community in our imagery.

Please be advised that our website or resources may contain images, videos, or voices of people who have since passed away.

If any material causes concern, please contact us on (08) 6166 7688.